Mac recommend apps

Mac recommend apps

LibreOffice for Mac, how to install it and the features of it

Mac recommend apps

Dicom Viewer free recommended apps for Mac (Extension dcm)

Mac recommend apps

How to get, install and configure Onyx on Mac

Macのシステム設定のメンテナンスツールの定番「Onyx」の入手とインストール方法を紹介します。また、macOS 10.14 Mojave以降からアプリのインストール時のセキュリティが厳しくなっているので、そのあたりにも対応した手順を図解入りで説明します。
Mac recommend apps

“HBClock (former: UBClock)”, an app that displays a simple analog clock on your Mac

Mac recommend apps

“CheatSheet”, an app that displays shortcut keys on Mac

I will explain in detail the features of the Mac shortcut key display application "CheatSheet", the installation / uninstallation / automatic execution procedure, settings and usage with illustrations.In particular, please note that the icon is not displayed on the menu bar for the exit method.
Mac recommend apps

“Color Blind Pal”, an app that can display color names for colorblind people on Mac

I will introduce "Color Blind Pal", a Mac app that allows you to display the names of the colors used on the website and adjust the colors to make them easier to see even for people with color blindness.It's easy to use and free, so it's recommended.
Mac recommend apps

How to read QR code on Mac

Here are some ways to read a QR code on your Mac.I will also introduce the advantages and disadvantages of each, so please use it according to the purpose of use.
Mac recommend apps

Mac Recommend Apps

A list of articles about recommended Mac apps.
Mac recommend apps

How to use the Mac sleep control app “Amphetamine”

I will explain how to use the Mac sleep control application "Amphetamine" in an easy-to-understand manner with illustrations.This app is very versatile, but if you master the basic usage first and then learn the detailed usage as needed, you will not get lost.
Mac recommend apps

Introducing 5 Mac apps that temporarily prohibit sleep / change the start time

On Mac, you can set the sleep time as a standard function, but you may want to temporarily disable sleep or change the sleep time.In this article, we actually used an app that meets those needs and compared it.
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