Mac recommend apps

How to get, install and configure Onyx on Mac

Macのシステム設定のメンテナンスツールの定番「Onyx」の入手とインストール方法を紹介します。また、macOS 10.14 Mojave以降からアプリのインストール時のセキュリティが厳しくなっているので、そのあたりにも対応した手順を図解入りで説明します。
Mac desktop

How to delete deleted apps “Open With” on Mac right-click menu

Mac desktop

How to associate file extensions on Mac and batch association application “SwiftDefaultApps”

Mac desktop

How to take screenshots of your Mac on a window-by-window basis (also without margins or shadows)

I will show you how to take screenshots on a Mac window by window.At that time, I will also introduce how to add or not add "margins and shadows" to the window.
Mac desktop

How to enlarge the mouse cursor (pointer) on Mac

Mac desktop

How to add watermarks such as confidential information and logo marks to PDF using only standard Mac functions

Mac recommend apps

“HBClock (former: UBClock)”, an app that displays a simple analog clock on your Mac

Mac desktop

6 ways to kill apps on Mac

Mac desktop

How to remove (uninstall) Mac apps in 4 ways

Mac recommend apps

“CheatSheet”, an app that displays shortcut keys on Mac

I will explain in detail the features of the Mac shortcut key display application "CheatSheet", the installation / uninstallation / automatic execution procedure, settings and usage with illustrations.In particular, please note that the icon is not displayed on the menu bar for the exit method.
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