Wallpaper list for macOS 11 Big Sur

Updated : Nov 23, 2021

Here is a list of about 40 types of wallpapers that are installed as standard on macOS 11 Big Sur with images.

It also provides instructions on how to display the wallpaper storage location.

The following explanation is given in the following environment.

Please note that there are some differences depending on the version of macOS.

  • macOS Big Sur 11.4



Show where Big Sur wallpapers are stored

▶ Bring the Mac Finder to the front.

Mac Finder



▶ From the menu bar, select “Go” – “Go to folder …”.

Mac Finder


▶ When the “Go to the folder” screen appears, copy and paste the following path into the “Enter a path” field.

Mac Finder "Go"

/System/Library/Desktop Pictures


▶ After copying and pasting, click the “Go” button.

Mac Finder "Go"


▶ The wallpaper storage location is displayed as shown.





Big Sur Wallpaper List

  • All wallpapers are in HEIC format.
  • The image size is 5,120 pixels wide x 2,880 pixels high only for “Solar Gradients.heic”, and all others are 6,016 pixels wide x 6,016 pixels high.
  • If one file contains multiple images, they are all displayed in the list below.


Big Sur Aerial.heic

Big Sur Aerial


Big Sur Coastline.heic

Big Sur Coastline


Big Sur Graphic.heic

Big Sur Graphic Light

Big Sur Graphic Dark

Big Sur Horizon.heic

Big Sur Horizon


Big Sur Mountains.heic

Big Sur Mountains


Big Sur Night Grasses.heic

Big Sur Night Grasses


Big Sur Night Succulents.heic

Big Sur Night Succulents


Big Sur Road.heic

Big Sur Road


Big Sur Shore Rocks.heic

Big Sur Shore Rocks


Big Sur Waters Edge.heic

Big Sur Waters Edge


Big Sur.heic

Big Sur

Big Sur


Big Sur

Big Sur


Big Sur

Big Sur


Big Sur

Big Sur

Catalina Clouds.heic

Catalina Clouds


Catalina Coast.heic

Catalina Coast


Catalina Evening.heic

Catalina Evening


Catalina Rock.heic

Catalina Rock


Catalina Shoreline.heic

Catalina Shoreline


Catalina Silhouette.heic

Catalina Silhouette


Catalina Sunset.heic

Catalina Sunset
















Dome Light

Dome Dark

hello Blue.heic

hello Blue Light

hello Blue Dark

hello Green.heic

hello Green Light

hello Green Dark

hello Grey.heic

hello Grey Light

hello Grey Dark

hello Orange.heic

hello Orange Light

hello Orange Dark

hello Purple.heic

hello Purple Light

hello Purple Dark

hello Red.heic

hello Red Light

hello Red Dark

hello Yellow.heic

hello Yellow Light

hello Yellow Dark


Iridescence Light

Iridescence Dark

Light Stream Blue.heic

Light Stream Blue


Light Stream Green.heic

Light Stream Green


Light Stream Pink.heic

Light Stream Pink


Light Stream Red.heic

Light Stream Red



Peak Light

Peak Dark

Solar Gradients.heic

Solar Gradients 01

Solar Gradients 02


Solar Gradients 03

Solar Gradients 04


Solar Gradients 05

Solar Gradients 06


Solar Gradients 07

Solar Gradients 08


Solar Gradients 09

Solar Gradients 10


Solar Gradients 11

Solar Gradients 12


Solar Gradients 13

Solar Gradients 14


Solar Gradients 15

Solar Gradients 16

The Beach.heic

The Beach 1

The Beach 2


The Beach 3

The Beach 4


The Beach 5

The Beach 6


The Beach 7

The Beach 8

The Cliffs.heic

The Cliffs 1

The Cliffs 2


The Cliffs 3

The Cliffs 4


The Cliffs 5

The Cliffs 6


The Cliffs 7

The Cliffs 8

The Desert.heic

The Desert 1

The Desert 2


The Desert 3

The Desert 4


The Desert 5

The Desert 6


The Desert 7

The Desert 8

The Lake.heic

The Lake 1

The Lake 2


The Lake 3

The Lake 4


The Lake 5

The Lake 6

The Lake 7

The Lake 8


Tree Light

Tree Dark


Valley Light

Valley Dark

This is the end of the article on this page.


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