Dicom Viewer free recommended apps for Mac (Extension dcm)

Updated : Mar 14, 2023
This article can be read in about 7 minutes.

The file with the extension dcm is a medical image format called DICOM, and is used in the medical field as an industry standard format for storing scanned photographs such as CT / MRI.

However, it is rarely seen outside the medical field.

This page introduces free apps for Mac users who need to open DICOM format files for some reason.


How to get sample files in DICOM format

You can download the sample files from the following site.

I checked the display of the apps introduced on this page with the sample files obtained from here.

一般社団法人 日本画像医療システム工業会【JIRA】:DICOMの世界

Free apps for Mac that can open DICOM format files

Here are three apps.

Below is a list of apps and their advantages and disadvantages.

You can jump to each description by clicking each app name.

App NameAdvantagesDisadvantages
① Miele-LXI‪V‬
・Available on the App Store
・Nothing special
② Weasis・Free・Since Java is used,
there is some risk in the future
③ Horos・Free・User registration required
Mr. Otter
Mr. Otter

See “Conclusion: Which DICOM viewer is the most recommend?” at the end for recommendations.


① Miele-LXI‪V‬

“Miele-LXIV” has been created by branching from “Osirix” which was originally open source.

Correspondence environment

Compatible Mac types・Intel Mac
・Arm Mac (M1 Mac, etc.)
Compatible macOS versions10.9 Mavericks or later
Latest version of the app8.14 (As of Dec. 2021)

How to get

It’s available from Apple’s App store.

‎Miele-LXIV is a DICOM workstation, viewer and more. The project started in November 2014 as a fork ...

Startup screen

Click to enlarge

② Weasis

Correspondence environment

Compatible Mac types・Intel Mac
・Arm Mac (M1 Mac, etc.)
Compatible macOS versions10.9 Mavericks or later
Latest version of the app3.7.1 (As of Dec. 2021)

How to get

It’s available from the official Weasis website.

Getting Started :: Weasis Documentation

When you open the above link, the download file is displayed for each OS type.

As of December 2021, version 3.7.1 is the latest version for macOS.

Weasis Official site
Click to enlarge

Below is an enlarged view around the arrow above.

Startup screen

Mac Weasis
Click to enlarge

③ Horos

Correspondence environment

Compatible Mac types・Intel Mac
・Arm Mac (M1 Mac, etc.)
Compatible macOS versions10.11 El Capitan or later
Latest version of the app3.3.6 (As of Des. 2021)

How to get

It’s available from the official Horos website.

Download Horos - Horos Project
Download Horos * indicates required First Name * Last Name * Email Address *Email is necessary to re...

When you open the above link, the screen to download by entering the name and email address will be displayed as shown below.

Horos Official Site
Click to enlarge

After entering each item in ①, click the button in ② to download.

When you click the download button, you will receive an email with a download link in the email you entered.

By the way, it is better to enter a fictitious name or abandoned e-mail address for each item of ① so that there is no problem even if information is leaked.

Startup screen

Click to enlarge

Conclusion: Which DICOM viewer is the most recommend?

<meta charset="utf-8">Mr. Otter
Mr. Otter

This page introduced 3 apps, but which one is the best?

Little devil fox
Little devil fox

“① Miele-LXIV” is recommended.

The reason is that it is published on the App store and there is a sense of security.

<meta charset="utf-8">Mr. Otter
Mr. Otter

Then, what is the next recommendation?

<meta charset="utf-8">Little devil fox
Little devil fox

“② Weasis” is the runner-up.

It is a merit that the operation is light, but since the app uses JAVA, I am worried about what will happen to JAVA under Oracle control in the future.

<meta charset="utf-8">Mr. Otter
Mr. Otter

What about the remaining “③ Horos”?

<meta charset="utf-8">Little devil fox
Little devil fox

It is necessary to enter user information at the time of download, I was concerned about security.

But I thought the app itself wasn’t bad.

Spa cat
Spa cat

This is the end of this article.


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